The Journal of Current Hematology & Oncology Research regularly publishes internationally qualified research in hematology and oncology within the current scholarly knowledge.

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Cover and Contents

Full Issue

: 109 : 99

Citation : Uzun D, Keklik M, Eser B. Shedding light on allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation success: exploring the relationship between donor vitamin D and parathormone levels and recipient engraftment and stem cell quantity. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024;2(4):79-82.

Original Article - Hematology

: 110 : 71

Citation : Balık B, Mutlu YG, Sevindik ÖG. Myeloid differentiation primary response 88 expression in central nervous system lymphomas. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024;2(4):83-86.

Original Article - Hematology

: 118 : 83

Citation : Yılmaz S, Günay A, Cırık S, Baştürk A, Başdemirci M, Balasar Ö. Diagnostic white blood cells can be a predictor for mutation existence in myelodisplastic syndromes: the role of next generation sequencing. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024;2(4):87-92.

: 80 : 84

Citation : Tan T, Doğan ÖD, Civriz Bozdağ S. Can bispecific antibody therapies for multiple myeloma be a risk factor for the development of secondary haemotopoietic malignancy? A case report. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024; 2(4): 93-94.

Case Report - Hematology

Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease: a rare cause of fever and lymphadenopathy in a 19-year-old male

: 106 : 95

Citation : Çiftciler R, Çiftciler AE, Selim C, Çelik M. Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease: a rare cause of fever and lymphadenopathy in a 19-year-old male. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024;2(4): 95-97.

Case Report - Oncology

A rare case of olfactory neuroblastoma

: 113 : 84

Citation : Karatlı S, Kavak EE. A rare case of olfactory neuroblastoma. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024;2(4):98-99.

: 95 : 64

Citation : Güven İE. The relationship between hepatocellular carcinoma and resolvin D1. J Curr Hematol Oncol Res. 2024;2(4):100.
